This is a blog. This is NOT peer-reviewed. This is not science. The stories I tell are mine. For those of you who don't understand: These stories are told from my point of view. They are my opinion and only that. They are my memories, however I choose to remember and/or embellish them. The resemblance of characters in my stories to anyone in my life is not completely unintentional, however, I strive to protect their identities; because seriously, the shit they do and say is humiliating and stupid.

Oh...I'm telling these stories because my therapist thinks it'll help my mental and emotional well-being.

Monday, September 6, 2010

The Gnome was NOT the sharpest tool in the shed:

This is a short and sweet lesson about your State Fish and Wildlife Agency.

For those of you who are unaware, your state Fish and Wildlife Agency (or whatever it calls itself) has Law Enforcement Officers. To those of us in the business they’re known as L-E-Os or LEOs. LEOs do as their name suggests. They enforce laws. So it’s NOT advisable to scream by a LEO—who is doing 60 in a 55—virtually blowing off its doors, 'cause he or she is gonna pull you over (and wonder if you’re drunk or stupid). It’s also NOT advisable to fish without a license when you work for the agency that enforces fishing and hunting laws. ‘Cause that’s gonna get you fined…then fired.


  1. ahhhhhh!! hahahaha!

    wait, i think I need some additional clarification on what not to do...

    is it or is it not advisable to do the following, in this order:
    (1) drive 45 mins to town on twisting mountain roads the night before a 4am wake up to visit the local bar
    (2) get so drunk that you do not remember the 1am drive home on said twisting mountain roads.
    (3) be entirely useless the following day, with the exception of cleaning off the side of a state vehicle using grass because you puked out the window while the truck was in motion that morning.
    (4) tell all of your coworkers and your boss about this escapade because you think it is "funny" and "makes you sound cool."

    please advise.


  2. You forgot puking in front of your boss while "working" in the field:-)

    The old me would've advised against all of that, but I've since seen the error of my ways. If not for my techs doing stupid shit, I wouldn't have anything to blog about.

    Of course, YOU know I have had a couple of outstanding techs. Rest assured, I will tell stories about them as well. I will also be sharing stories showing how brilliant *cough* I can be at times.

    And if you have a story you'd like to tell, shoot it to me and I'll post it for you. I'm sure my old brain has forgotten many things.
