This is a blog. This is NOT peer-reviewed. This is not science. The stories I tell are mine. For those of you who don't understand: These stories are told from my point of view. They are my opinion and only that. They are my memories, however I choose to remember and/or embellish them. The resemblance of characters in my stories to anyone in my life is not completely unintentional, however, I strive to protect their identities; because seriously, the shit they do and say is humiliating and stupid.

Oh...I'm telling these stories because my therapist thinks it'll help my mental and emotional well-being.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Shit…I Mean, Shoot.

As a wildlife biologist who studies bears, I have a few holes in my education. One of which is my lack of firearm training. A while ago, I asked some friends to teach me how to shoot. A couple weeks later, they took me and a few others out to a firing range where we first learned about gun safety.


After the safety talk, we shot rifles and shotguns. That day I learned three very important things.

First, NEVER EVER EVER POINT A GUN, LOADED OR UNLOADED, AT A PERSON! Okay, so already knew that, but it’s good to have that drilled into your head.

Second, I suck at shooting.

Third, I am never going into the woods during hunting season again. Some people should not be allowed to handle guns. I’ve heard of people getting shot while hunting. I’ve seen movies that feature idiots handling guns, but until this day, I hadn’t experienced it. I didn’t actually believe I knew someone dense enough to turn toward a group of people and swing the gun so that it too pointed at said group. Rightfully, the group yelled and got the hell out of the way. When the idiot realized what she’d done, she pointed the barrel of the gun at the ground and said, “It’s okay. The safety’s on.”

Yeah, right, ‘cause safeties never fail, and didn’t you hear the part about NEVER EVER EVER POINT A GUN, LOADED OR UNLOADED, AT A PERSON!